Friday, June 24, 2011

Here we go again!

Wow, it's been a long time. Almost 8 months since I wrote something on here. Whoops. Hopefully though, that's all about to change. Because I'm making a change in my life.

Lots of changes, actually. This week has been different than any other so far. And really, because of the choices I'm making. Because I've decided it's finally time to stop saying that I want to change and actually do it. With the help of some close friends, I'm starting things fresh, making life changes and on my way to a healthier life, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

I'm super excited for this.

Since Monday,
every day I have:

Done some sort of workout
Cut out unhealthy sugars from what I eat
Reduced carbs in all of my meals
Eaten breakfast
Drank 2L of water
Increased my fruit and vegetable intake

This is all part of my plan to get into a healthy eating and living lifestyle. As my friend helped me to see, this isn't about a 'diet' and losing weight, but about changing how I eat and my physical activity on a daily basis. It's a lifestyle change that will see continual results through time, not just an immediate weight loss result. In fact, I've vowed to not even step on a scale until I've been in this pattern for at least 2 months. I want to focus on meeting goals and changing how I live my life, not on the weight loss. The weight loss and fitness will come in time, as a result of the changes I'm making.

5 days done so far, and I'm feeling good. Every day I've had different muscles which are sore in response to my workouts, but that will get better with time. It's a 'good pain'. :)

In addition, I'm also trying to increase my Bible readings and study. My friend Ferial had an awesome idea to help me out with this. Since I really enjoy creative writing (so much that I engage in the activity on a daily basis), then she thought it would be good to work on reading specific plots in the Bible and expressing them through creative writing. So, I'm re-writing what I read, as I study it.

It's turned out to be really awesome and I'm enjoying it immensely. To help hold myself accountable for this, I'm also going to be posting it here, as I continue on with it. It will be long though, I've discovered. There's so much that can be written, just trying to get into the minds of the people in the story. I'm starting with the book of Daniel, and right now I've only written Daniel 1:1-10 into something that I'm ok with sharing. I've definitely been revising my writing as the week has gone on. I'll leave that at the end of this post.

So, in conclusion, my life is taking on some new, exciting changes. And I'm planning on keeping up with them here, to help stay accountable for it as well. 5 days in a row of working out is already better than anything I've done before. :) This weekend I get to rest up, but on Monday my 'trainer' has a "torture session" for me to do. Those were her exact words. And she's already told me the plan for Monday. It's definitely gonna be exhausting. :)

Now I'm off to sleep, where my body will hopefully let me sleep in til 9am or so tomorrow!

Daniel 1: 1-10 (My written 'interpretation')

It was almost too easy.

King Nebuchadnezzar had heard the rumors of the God that protected the tribes of Israel. Of their God’s ‘impossible power’ and ‘unmatched strength.’ But he went ahead with the plan to overtake the nation. If they lost, then the Babylonian army was large enough to withstand a little bit of cutting back in their forces. But if they won, the rewards of the land, and the location of that land far outweighed any chance of defeat. So the King pushed the troops onward, towards the well-known city of Jerusalem, intent on giving their all in the battle.

The reports concerning Jerusalem must have been a mistake. When the King’s men attacked and easily overcame the city, at first they were cautious, fearing that it had been a trap. But it soon became evident that the ‘God’ protecting their city was not as powerful as they had heard. The King’s men were even able to take some artifacts from Jerusalem’s ‘Holy Temple’; proof that the God they served either didn’t exist, or had turned His back on them. Upon returning to the capital, Nebuchadnezzar had the artifacts placed in the temple of the Babylonian guards, a tribute for their ability to conquer yet another tribe and culture.

Now the King was not a dumb man. He knew the strength of the Israelis and knew how much their country could benefit from their work and service. With this in mind, he sent for the chief of his court, Ashpenaz. The man entered the King’s court, bowing appropriately and waiting for the King to speak.

“I charge you with a task, as my chief of court officials. Do not fail me in this task, for you know my consequences should the results be less than satisfactory.” The King paused, letting his words sink in, watching Ashpenaz nod in agreement. “Go among the Israeli men, and find the very best of them. I want the men who look good on the outside as well as the inside. Handsome, strong, and intelligent. Only the best. These men will serve in my court, so you are to be sure that they are fit for my service.”

Ashpenaz looks up at the King, confusion on his face for only a moment before remembering his place and looking back down at the floor. Israeli men in the court of the King? This would not settle well with the other men. None of them wanted to work alongside of the weaker culture, the ones they had just overcome as easily as one eats his breakfast in the morning. But, these were the King’s orders, and they had no option but to obey.

“Furthermore,” Nebuchadnezzar continued, “You are to train them. I want them to learn our culture, our literature, and our language. With the exception of their outside appearance, they should be as any other Babylonian man on my court. Make them forget their old culture and adopt ours, for they are no longer Israeli men. Only the best Babylonians serve in my court, so make it so. They will also receive all of their meals from my table. These men are to receive the best service, so that they will fully come to love and accept me. After three years time, I expect this all to be accomplished. Now go, and do as I have commanded.”

There was no need for question or clarification from the chief official. He left the court area to complete his task, no matter how foolish he thought it was. This was the King’s desire; it must be completed.

Out of those men which the chief found, were four men from the tribe of Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. But they could not keep their names, because these men were no longer of Judah. They belonged to Babylon now, and being such, needed to adopt names of the culture. So Ashpenaz assigned them new identities, to take place of their previous heritage: Belteshezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Now Daniel-for he refused to consider himself as Belteshezzar-was a Godly man, and knew the importance of keeping his culture and customs. He did not want to defile that by eating from the table of a man who did not fear the One true God. There was no harm in asking for an exception, so Daniel approached the chief official who had found them, and asked for permission to refuse the King’s food.  For some reason, the Ashpenaz found that he rather liked Daniel, despite the fact that he was an Israeli working to serve in the court in which only Babylonians should serve. Ashpenaz served the gods of his King, so he was not aware of the fact that David’s God was in fact, causing him to have favor over the foreign man. But on this one decree, he could not budge.

“I’m sorry, Belteshezzar. I have my orders. If I were to do things any differently than as the King commands, he would surely have my head. You are to serve the King, so you must look as healthy as the rest of the men. This is the best food in the country, why would you reject it? Continue to consume of it, remembering the great blessings that our King has allowed your and your people to have.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your just going to leave us hanging like that???


Seriously though, it's AWESOME. I can't wait to read more!!

And I'm so proud of you and your "changes" this week! Way to go PamBamela!